It’s Halloween in a couple of days … one of my least favorite holidays.

Not trying to be all judgy about the candy and the sweets. It just seems unnecessary … and as I’ve seen the kids in the neighborhood grow up, I’ve noticed that they use it as just another excuse to indulge.

And it makes me think of the holiday season to come … and how we adults tend to do the same thing.

Thanksgiving. Christmas. Holiday parties galore. New Year’s.

Now, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying traditional family recipes and indulgences for the holidays.

But unless we want to get to New Year’s with 10 or 15 extra pounds to carry around, there’s got to be some balance.

So with 28 days to go until Thanksgiving, I’d like to help you set yourself up for success.

That’s plenty of time to make a commitment to yourself, get more active, and make some small changes to your diet so you don’t have to go through the holiday season feeling guilty about all the eating, drinking and celebrating.

What if you could “pre-lose” the holiday weight so you can actually enjoy the season without regrets?

You can.

You’ll just need to make a new decision today.

It could be something as simple as making a pact with yourself to get at least 2 workouts in a week between now and Thanksgiving … and replacing the starchy carbs and treats with fruits and vegetables.

Twenty-eight days is not a long time. But if we don’t dial things in now, it could take a lot longer to undo the damage come New Year’s.

That’s why, every year, there are so many people lined up to sign up for gyms the first week of January … with New Year’s Resolutions that typically only last a couple of weeks before fizzling out.

Why not start now … so you don’t have to re-start later?

Why not make a few minor changes now so you can avoid having to make much more difficult changes after New Year’s?

We’re entering the time of year when even the most dedicated among us fall off track.

And that’s OK … as long as we plan ahead, pre-lose a few pounds now when it’s easier to avoid temptations, and put ourselves in a position to succeed.

Don’t let Halloween snowball into Thanksgiving and the holiday season without a plan.

Are you ready to save yourself a lot of trouble and make a new decision today?


How To Develop Strong Glutes—FAST


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