Don't Pause
I’ve written before about the “pause-button mentality” and how I’ve seen it ruin so many people’s fitness.
You may have experienced this before: You’re in a groove, 3-4 workouts a week, on point with your meal prep … and then … BAM.
An all-nighter for work.
A sick kid or pet.
The holidays.
Since we can use the pause button on our phones, iPads and DVRs whenever we want, we’ve become conditioned to think we can apply that mentality to our health.
It doesn’t work that way.
The all-or-nothing approach often results in seeing our progress disappear … or worse, go backwards.
Don’t fall into this trap.
Especially this time of year.
Soon it will be holiday season … ‘tis the season for excuses.
Parties and family gatherings are back on the table in most places (with caution and safety measures in place, of course). So, too, are holiday parties.
Now, the best way to attack this is to get ahead of it.
Double down on your workouts and nutrition now, so you don’t have any regrets (or extra weight to carry around) in a couple of months.
Unfortunately, what I’ve seen too many times is people hitting the “pause button” on their fitness routine when the holidays roll around.
They go from working out 3-4 days a week and prepping meals for Monday-Friday to stopping both completely … and telling themselves they’ll “get back on track” after the busy times are over.
A better approach? Dial it down a notch to 1-2 workouts/week, and prep meals for 3 days during the work week.
The calendar doesn’t stop.
Your body’s metabolic process doesn’t stop.
Don’t fall into the trap of thinking you can hit pause and pick up where you left off when it’s convenient.
Set yourself up for success and leave the pause button for the DVR.
Coach Aaron