In all the years I’ve been coaching people on improving their health, fitness and happiness, there is one story I’ve heard more than any other.

“I’ll start after ______.”

Fill in the blank with any excuse you like.

After I get back from vacation.

After the holidays.

After my work schedule calms down.

Here’s the thing: If you’re waiting for the perfect time, it’s never going to come … because there is none.

The answer to the question, “When should I start,” is always, “Now.”

The longer you wait the harder things will be. And the longer you “Do The Things,” the more powerful exercise and eating right will be for you.

Here are a few things to focus on if you’re ready to get started:

Focus On Strength Training. I know I’m biased, but hear me out. Strength training sends the strongest signal to our brains to fight father time. As in, building muscle … not losing it. This leads to healthier joints, better stamina, and the ability to move more and move better doing things you love.

Don’t Try To Be Perfect. There’s a reason most diets fail … they’re not sustainable. So if you’re looking for perfection, you’re setting yourself up for failure – especially with all the temptations we have at this time of year. Focus on one small improvement at a time. Eating more fruits and veggies and having protein with every meal, for example. And don’t beat yourself up if you grab a holiday cookie. Just do more things right than wrong and you’ll be away ahead of the game.

Commit To Something. You need a “Why.” I often tell my clients that the word WORK is literally the first part of WORKout. You will need a reason beyond discipline to keep this thing going. It can be family or friends, or your coach. I don’t care who or what it is – just anything and anyone you can commit to beyond yourself.

You can do this if you start today.

And if you’ve been doing it, but have fallen off track a bit like most of us do during holiday season, you can get BACK on track if you start today.


Be A Do-er


Healthy Recipe, Sweet Potato and Peanut Salad with Indian Spices