Are you mentally tough?

In sports, one of the terms that gets thrown around a lot is “mental toughness.”

You don’t have to be a professional athlete to possess it. But what does it really mean?

Are you “mentally tough?”

To me, mental toughness is about showing up every day. 

It’s about riding the highs and accepting that there will always be lows … and being able to persevere through those low moments.

It’s about embracing the journey, not just focusing on the destination.

It’s about not allowing one weak moment or mistake to completely derail you.

It’s about allowing yourself to have a bad day, and showing up the next day ready to have a great one.

It’s about surrounding yourself with positive, supportive people … and avoiding the Negative Nancy’s and Bummer Barry’s who will delight in dragging you down if you let them.

It’s about making decisions with confidence and owning the outcomes of those decisions … as opposed to playing the victim and blaming other people or your circumstances.

But mostly, it’s about showing up … for your workout, for your meal prep, for your friends and family. 

For yourself.

Be present today. Accept the highs and the lows. If you make a mistake or have a bad day, learn from it and move on.

The truth is, mental toughness is not something we either have or don’t have. It’s something we have on some days and don’t have on others.

And it’s something we can choose to have today if we want it.


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