Today, I'd like to share some thoughts about a trait that is absolutely essential to transforming your body and heath.


This is a trait that's accessible to pretty much all of us.

The willingness to "stick with it."

The grit to keep going when things get a little uncomfortable or when obstacles come your way.

In truth, I think most all of us have this trait … but most only apply it when they’re doing something that has great importance to them.

Let’s face it … nothing in life worth having is easy all the time.

But when the thing we want means a lot to us, those obstacles aren’t nearly as likely to hold you back.

So, let me give you a few thoughts on Perseverance that may be of some value:

There will be challenges along the way. Know that going in and just accept that if you want the highs, you need to be willing to navigate the lows.

Along those same lines, seeing those challenges as ‘the price’ has always helped me. Knowing that we might be willing to do what others won’t makes the process more meaningful and the goal that much more important.

How we handle adversity dictates much of our success. The longer you spend dwelling on the last loss, the more it distracts you from the opportunity at hand.

Embrace the challenges and don't beat yourself up over the failures.

If your day got away from you and you couldn't make it to the gym, do 20 minutes of movement at home.

If you went overboard on your cheat meal, reel it back in. If you indulged at dinner, try fasting until lunchtime the next day ... or ask your trainer or coach for a healthy detox plan to follow for a couple of days to get back on track.

But whatever you do, don't give up.

Perseverance is the price of admission to everything that’s truly important to you. 


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