Portion Sizes for Dummies

Along the lines of keeping it simple, you don’t need to count calories or macros in order to eat healthy and in accordance with your goals.

By the way, if you just thought, “What’s a macro?” then you definitely don’t need to waste your time counting them :-)

Now, don’t get me wrong … logging your food intake so you have an estimate of how many calories you’re eating -- and how much protein, carbs and fats -- can be useful. But I believe this is best kept to short doses of 3-5 days at a time, just to get a snapshot of your typical food intake.

In the long run, most people are more successful with a system that’s based on more intuitive eating habits. Luckily, I’ve got one for you that works … and is super simple to implement.

Here are what I call the Portion Sizes For Dummies:

Protein: 1 palm-sized serving per meal for women, 2 for men.

Vegetables: 1 fist-sized serving per meal for women, 2 for men.

Carbohydrates: 1 cupped handful per meal for women, 2 for men.

Healthy Fats: 1 thumb-sized serving per meal for women, 2 for men.

This is an excellent starting point for most people. Once you try it for a couple of weeks, you can assess your results -- and also your levels of hunger and fullness. Then, adjust up or down from there.

Once you get into the habit of eating the right amount of the above food groups, you could then take it to the next level and start drilling down on quality. In other words, lean, antibiotic-free meats, pastured eggs and wild fish for protein. Or, “smart” carbs, meaning minimally processed and preservative-free.

You could take it to the next level by making sure your intake of fats is healthy and in the correct proportions (i.e. one third from mono-unsaturated fats like raw nuts and olive oil, one third from polyunsaturated sources like fish and seeds, and one third from saturated fats like well-sourced animal protein, grass-fed dairy products and tropical oils like coconut oil).

But honestly, most people would do best to take it one step at a time. Get accustomed to HOW MUCH you should be eating for your body type and goals first. Then, you can turn the dial and start focusing on more advanced techniques like food quality and nutrient timing.

It’s always best to master the basics first.

I’m curious, what’s your biggest challenge with eating healthy? Shoot me a reply, I’d love to see how I could help you solve it.

Coach Aaron

P.S.: Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you:

  1. Let's Do a Free Goal Achievement Call. If you’re feeling stuck or frustrated and want help figuring out how to reach your health and fitness goals, simply reply to this email and let me know you want to talk. We'll schedule a convenient time and I'll help you figure out what will work for you during this crazy time. Just reply with 'Call' in the subject line and we'll set up a time to talk. No obligation Call!

  2. Join our Small Group Training Program for 50% OFF Your First Month Are you starting to fall behind on your goals? If you stay on track or get on track our small group training program can help you. In our program, you will receive workouts for 2x or 3x week, meal plan blueprint, recipe guide, nutrition guide, and 1:1 coaching weekly. If you'd be interested in our small group training, simply hit reply and put 'Small Group’ in the subject line and I'll get you all the details.

  3. Train With Me...For FREE. If you'd like to come in for a free training session...1 on 1 or small group...I'd love to have you in as my guest. Training somewhere new can be out of someone's comfort zone, so I want to make it as easy as possible for you to see if this is the best place for you to reach your goals. Just reply with 'Train' in the subject line and we'll figure out what type of session you'd enjoy most and when coming in would be convenient for you.

  4. I have FREE Open Office Hours during the week where you can call in and speak to me about your goals. The call is just 15 minutes out of your week, but the insights you’ll discover could impact you for a lifetime! To schedule your FREE consultation, reply and put 'Call' in the subject line.

Aaron Hines, Owner-Premier Performance Training M.S. Exercise Physiology ACSM-CPT, NASM-FNS, TRX, TPI-Level 1 & F2, CSAC, Pn1


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