Do I Need To Take Supplements?

If you take vitamin C…fish oil…or some other supplement, you may be asking yourself:

Does this really work? And should I really be taking this?

Both are valid questions...and questions that have an easy answer.

If you eat the right diet…meaning you get your recommended servings of fruits and vegetables, healthy fats, lean proteins, and whole-grain foods, then you probably don’t need to take any supplements.

The only reason to take supplements is to supplement your diet with nutrients your body needs to thrive.

But for most people, eating the right diet doesn’t happen very often—so supplementing may be your best option for maintaining decent health.

Think of your body as a building. Eating the right foods will strengthen your foundation, so you can build a strong body.

But what happens if your foundation is weak? Things will start to crumble.

You may be sick more often…you may have issues with memory and concentration…and your joints may hurt.

This often happens when your diet is not perfect—which most people fall into this category. Sometimes it’s hard to get all the servings of fruits and vegetables…

Or healthy fat…

Or lean proteins…

Some days, it’s just not possible to eat how you want to, or the way you need to. And that’s okay…no one is perfect.


If you want to maintain a strong foundation…then supplementing your diet is your best option. Some of the more popular supplements are:

Multi-mineral/vitamin Supplements

Multivitamins are a great way to get the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants your body needs to stay healthy. Multivitamins may also give you trace minerals that may be hard to get in your normal diet—so you can seal up any holes in your nutritional foundation.

Fish Oil/Krill Oil/Algae Oils

Fish, krill, and algae oils are a great way to boost your intake of the essential fatty acids, DHA and EPA. These anti-inflammatory fats are essential—meaning your body can’t produce them and they need to be obtained by your diet. These beneficial fats may lower cholesterol, blood pressure, and triglycerides, and help lower chronic inflammation in your body.

Whey/Casein/Plant-based Protein Powders

Protein is one of the most important nutrients when it comes to boosting weight loss or building muscle. Protein increases the amino acids stores, so you have the necessary nutrients to repair damaged cells and boost lean mass development. Protein may also boost satiety hormones in your body, leading to an increased sense of fullness. Most people don’t get enough protein in their diet, which is why they often supplement with protein powders. Normally, most protein powders come from whey or casein sources. However, within the last few years, companies have developed more plant-based options to ensure vegans, vegetarians, and plant-based eaters are reaching their recommended protein intake.

There are plenty of ways you can supplement your diet to get all the nutrients your body needs to stay healthy and fit. However, if you’re already eating a sound diet, and you’re getting in your recommended intakes of fruits, veggies, lean proteins, and healthy fats, then supplementing your diet may not be necessary.

However, it may be hard to eat the right diet every day, which would warrant a supplement or two, to get everything your body needs each day. Remember, supplementing is not a way to eat junk and still be healthy. It’s a way to supplement your diet to get all the necessary nutrients you need, when your diet may be lacking.

Coach Aaron


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