Adrenal Fatigue: What You Need to Know !!

Chances are you have heard of adrenal fatigue, but you may not be quite sure what it is.  Understanding this condition is important however, because some experts suggest that 80% of the Western world will be affected by adrenal fatigue at some point in their lives.

The adrenal glands are located above the kidneys and are responsible for secreting more than 50 different hormones that are essential for life.  Among these are adrenaline, cortisol, progesterone and testosterone.  Because they regulate so many important hormones, their proper function is critical for many functions essential to life such as producing energy, balancing electrolytes and storing fat.

These glands also help you deal with stress.  When you are under stress, the adrenal glands engage many different responses in your body to make it easier for you to handle that stress.

But during periods of intense, prolonged stress or chronic illness, the adrenal glands begin functioning below the level needed to maintain health and well-being in the body.  They still function but at less than optimal levels.  The result is adrenal fatigue.

Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue

There are some symptoms that are common among people who are suffering from adrenal fatigue.  These include:

  •  Feeling tired for no reason

  • Craving salty or sweet snacks

  • Morning fatigue

  • Mid-afternoon sleepiness

  • Increased energy in the late afternoon

  • Decreased sex drive

  • Mild Depression

  • Weight gain, especially around the waist

  • Body aches

  • Unexplained weight loss

  • Low blood pressure

  • Lightheadedness

  • Loss of body hair

  • Skin discoloration (hyperpigmentation)

If you are experiencing these symptoms, you may be suffering from adrenal fatigue.


Treatment for adrenal fatigue focuses on making changes to your lifestyle and diet.  If you have minor adrenal fatigue, you can expect to be better within 6-9 months. Moderate to severe adrenal fatigue can take between 12-24 months to heal, and severe cases can take even longer.


 One of the first things you should do is reduce the stress in your life.  You need to find ways to manage your stress. Meditation, Exercise, ect… This may mean clearing your schedule, reworking some relationships or learning time management skills.  In order for your adrenal glands to heal, the demands placed on them should be lightened.


Sufficient sleep is also important.  The main repair work on your adrenal glands takes place between 10 pm and 1 am.  If you are prone to late nights, consider training your body to go to bed earlier. It is also a good idea to reduce or eliminate caffeine from your diet in order to help you sleep more soundly.


 Adrenal fatigue can also be helped by exercise. Exercise regulates cortisol, relieves depression and increases blood flow.  Each of these benefits will contribute to your recovery.  Try to exercise at least 20 to 30 minutes each day. That could consist of walking, lifting weights, or any other type of exercise.


Finally, adding supplements to your diet can speed healing of adrenal fatigue. Calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, E, and B complex are recommended. Also try to avoid ‘junk’ food as much as possible. Rather, add plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.

If you suspect you are suffering from adrenal fatigue, don’t be discouraged.  You can start the recovery process by making the above changes to your diet and lifestyle. 



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P.S. - Whenever you're ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 


1. Let's Talk About Your Goals.


Most gyms want you to simply adapt to their program, but I want to help you achieve your goal is the best possible way for you.


If you'd like to get on a personal call and discuss what you'd like to achieve and get my help in developing a plan to get you there, I'm happy to get on a free coaching call to help.


Just reply with 'Call' in the subject line and we'll get it set up.


2. Train With Me...For FREE.


If you'd like to come in for a free training session...1 on 1 or group...I'd love to have you in as my guest. Training somewhere new can be out of someone's comfort zone, so I want to make it as easy as possible for you to see if this is the best place for you to reach your goals.


Just reply with 'Train' in the subject line and we'll figure out what type of session you'd enjoy most and when coming in would be convenient for you.


3. Try My '28 Days To Look & Feel Great' Program.


I'm going to be taking a few new clients through a 28 day program to help them look and feel great as they get back into a routine this Fall.


If you'd be interested in learning more, reply and put '28' in the subject line.






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