Premier Performance Training, Brentwood, TN

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How Long Will This Take?

New clients often ask a question that sounds something like this: “How long is this going to take?”

Meaning … to achieve their weight-loss goal, leave their back pain behind, finally be able to do a pushup, etc.

Sometimes I’ll take out my calculator and do some quick math and let them know roughly how many months it’ll take to shed that spare tire if they follow my exercise and nutrition plan 80% of the time.

Sometimes I wish I had the courage to say this: “It’ll take the rest of your life.”


That’s right. Being fit, strong, lean, pain-free and healthy isn’t something that has an expiration date. It’s the product of consistent actions taken again and again.

And once you achieve one of your goals, you don’t just stop doing the things that got you there and go back to the way you were before.

Most people don’t want to go back.

So yes … if you’re a 150-pound woman who’d like to lose 10 pounds, that would take an average of 13 weeks if you followed a well-designed exercise and nutrition program about 80% of the time.

But if you want to be fit, strong, lean, pain-free and healthy for life … it’s going to take the rest of your life.

And believe me … you’re going to enjoy every minute of the journey.

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