Premier Performance Training, Brentwood, TN

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Slow Down When You Eat Your Food

We have all had those times when we ate a meal that left us bloated, regretful, or feeling like we hadn’t eaten at all.  It is likely that during that meal you didn’t really taste your food, ate very quickly, and your environment didn’t support mindful and conscious eating.


What if you left the table feeling light, lean, full of energy, but yet satisfied?  6


Well you can!  How about that!


However, I’m going to tell you that while it’s SIMPLE it’s not EASY.  It’s going to take a bit of practice.  


Always, no matter the situation, EAT SLOWLY. S L O W L Y 


When people eat fast, they end up eating more.  But even with more food, they don’t feel satisfied. Five minutes later, they are looking for seconds or dessert.  An hour later, they are looking for a snack.  


Quite the opposite happens to those that eat slowly.  Those individuals usually end up eating a lot less, yet they feel more satisfied.  They also feel calmer and happier.  They don’t have to think about eating less, they just naturally do it.


Why is eating slowly so important?


Your brain doesn’t get the signal that you’re full until about 20 minutes after you start eating.  I would bet that most of your meals don’t even last that long.  


The process of seeing your food, to the moment it hits your intestines, to your body making enzymes and hormones to digest the food, and then tell your brain that you have had enough is S - L - O - W.


But here is the great thing:  your body “knows” how much it needs.  Your job is to help it by eating slowly and mindfully.  Eat slowly and then trust your body.  


This will take practice, and then some more practice...

Eat to 80% Full


Most of us eat, or continue eating, regardless of whether our bodies actually need that food.  We often don’t stop eating until the plate (or container) is empty. 


Eating to 80% can help us to eat consciously, “tune in” to our body’s true hunger and satiation signals, improve our digestion, and be a foundational practice we can always come back to.  


However, it may give you an uneasy feeling to actually leave food on your plate and listen to the cues your body gives you when it has had enough food.  Many people feel this way.  “Wasting food” can feel bad.  It can bring up the past or heavy emotions.  It’s important to recognize and work through these thoughts and feelings.


Unprocessed foods (such as fresh vegetables & fruits, animal proteins, healthy fats) will help you feel full sooner and for longer. Processed foods mess with your body’s natural signals, and you’ll often never get to the 80% full point.


So, when you eat, stop eating just a little sooner than you normally would or try using a smaller plate.  Eating slowly will help you to do that.  These two habits will take a lot of practice, the idea is to just do a little bit better today and then build from there.  


I will tell you that eating slowly is definitely one of my struggles, but I continue to work on it.  Progress, not perfection, right?

 Let me know how you do with this.



 P.S. - Whenever you're ready... here are 3 ways I can help you: 


1. Let's Talk About Your Goals.


Most gyms want you to simply adapt to their program, but I want to help you achieve your goal is the best possible way for you.


If you'd like to get on a personal call and discuss what you'd like to achieve and get my help in developing a plan to get you there, I'm happy to get on a free coaching call to help.


Just reply with 'Call' in the subject line and we'll get it set up.


2. Train With Me...For FREE.


If you'd like to come in for a free training session...1 on 1 or group...I'd love to have you in as my guest. Training somewhere new can be out of someone's comfort zone, so I want to make it as easy as possible for you to see if this is the best place for you to reach your goals.


Just reply with 'Train' in the subject line and we'll figure out what type of session you'd enjoy most and when coming in would be convenient for you.


3. Try My '28 Days To Look & Feel Great' Program.


I'm going to be taking a few new clients through a 28 day program to help them look and feel great as they get back into a routine this Fall.


If you'd be interested in learning more, reply and put '28' in the subject line.