Premier Performance Training, Brentwood, TN

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8 Reasons Why You Get Distracted at the GYM

If you are like anyone else, going to the gym can get a huge distraction to some if not most people. We are motivated to get there and workout, but one thing after another tend to get in the way.

Im going to lay out 8 Reasons Why We tend to get distracted below:

1) Music- if you are like me, my music sets the tone for my mood during a workout. Not all of the time, but 99% of the time. If you tend to have a lame playlist, check out Spotify. Its $9.99 a month and you can add all of your favorite songs to a playlist. You can even make multiple list as well.

2 ) Body Odor- whether its you or the person beside you, this can totally take away from your workout. If someone is too close in the gym and all you smell is a big waft of stank, it typically changed the entire mood of the workout. There really is only one option: move to the other side of the gym. I usually carry a stick of deodorant just in case its me and not the person beside me. Always be on top of your B.O. game.

3) Being Crowded: have you ever gone to the GYM fired up and ready to get your workout in, only to find that its so crowded that you can barely move. SAME! It happens a ton in the big box gyms around town. You wait and wait and wait and it seems as if the crowd will never thin out. The best thing you can do is find the non peak hours to go and workout or go to a smaller gym. Smaller gyms typically tend to be less crowded and you don’t have to wait as long for equipment.

4) Headphones- I think this is a crucial aspect of any workout. HEADPHONES! If you have cheap headphones and they tend to get tangled up and twisted. You spend 5-10 min trying to unravel them and by then your just PISSED!. Can they make some good headphones that don’t do this. I have purchased some inexpensive wireless head phones that do the trick. This helps with everything being jumbled up and taking too much time to untwist. WIRELESS is the Way to GO. BEATS, BOSE, or something close to this would help. Cheaper is not always better.

5) Get OFF the PHONE- I find this to be difficult for me as the Business Owner because, so many folks are reaching out to schedule and reschedule. New people are interested and I do not have an assistant to help. So, what usually ends up happening is half way through the workout Im getting emails, text, phone calls, and it keeps me away from the intended goal of completing the workout. One thing that has helped is to put my phone on sleep mode during the workout or even silent to eliminate all of the distractions. Lets be honest, we all have apps on our phones we spend way too much time on as well. Try deleting one or two of those and you will find out how productive you can really be.

6) Stop Eyeballing- there is nothing more awkward than being starred at in the gym. One thing to do is go in laser focused and don’t worry about what other folks are doing. We get too caught up in what people are wearing or heck even listening to. Write your workouts down, go in, check in at the front and get to work.

Less Eyeballing and more Working Out

7) Chatting- there is always 1-2 people that tend to talk to everyone in the gym. PET PEEVE! And they typically try to talk to those who have the head phones on as well. HELLO!! The reason I am wearing head phones is because i don’t want to chat. I experience this a ton when I worked at YMCA. Everyone knew who I was, so when it was my time to workout they always wanted to chat with me at that very moment. What should have been a 1 hr workout tended to be a 2hr workout. Im all for being courteous and helping folks out, but there is a time and place for chatting and interrupting someones workout.

If you want to chat, set up a time to get coffee and catch up. Don’t take all your time hogging the equipment.

Last but not least,

8) Attire Mishaps- have you ever been to the gym and your short string breaks or heck even your shoe string when you go to tie your shoes? Have you put your gym clothes on backwards by accident and not even notice it until halfway through the workout? I know I have left my gym shorts at home or even forgot socks before, which is a huge debbie downer for my workouts.

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P.S. - Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you: 

1. Go through the Fitness Scorecard and see how you score in the 8 key areas needed to achieve lasting fitness success:

2. Be a guest of mine for a One-on-One Fitness Success Session


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3. Come in for a free training session. 


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4. I have FREE Open Office Hours during the week where you can call in and speak to me about your goals


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