Premier Performance Training, Brentwood, TN

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Day 1 of Strength Training

There are a lot of different ways you can approach the strength training aspect with an Athlete. You can throw them in and let them catch on, or teach them how to do things the right way from the get go.

I’ll tell you what I ended up doing:

1) Met with his physical therapist to develop a plan of action to get him back to 100% as quick as possible.

2) Reviewed the therapy exercises to decide which ones I wanted to continue to implement into his strength training regimen. The reason being is that not all of the ones prescribed were applicable to either implementing into the warm up or in the training session itself. You make ask WHY only a few and not all. In my experience, if an athlete has improved to the point out performing the rehab exercise then it’s time to move on to the next progression. This is usually more resistance or increased volume.

3) Foam Rolling/Static Stretch- Active Release

4) Band Work initiated the start of the workout: Hip/Glute Dominant: Side Steps, Monster Walks, Glute Bridges

5) Dynamic Warm Up: Knee Hugs, Quad Pull w/ reach, High Kicks, Quick High Kicks, Lunge w/ Twist, Lunge w/vertival reach, High Knees, Butt Kicks, Quick Hip Turns, Carioca, High Knee Carioca, Up Tall/Fall Run

This gives you a bit of a glimpse of what goes down. It doesn’t always go down in this specific order, but you get the point.

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P.S. - Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you: 

1. Go through the Fitness Scorecard and see how you score in the 8 key areas needed to achieve lasting fitness success:

2. Be a guest of mine for a One-on-One Fitness Success Session


We'll sit down together and develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your fitness goals. Just reply to this message and put "Success" in the subject line.

3. Come in for a free training session. 


If you'd like to come in to attend a 'Bring a Friend' training session as my guest...just reply and put "Guest" in the subject line, and I'll get you all the details!


4. I have FREE Open Office Hours during the week where you can call in and speak to me about your goals


The call is just 15 minutes out of your week, but the insights you’ll discover could impact you for a lifetime! To schedule your FREE consultation, reply and put 'Call' in the subject line.