Premier Performance Training, Brentwood, TN

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Planning Ahead for the Day!

If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.

This is one of my favorite sayings…

Planning ahead can decrease stress, increase productivity, move you closer to your goals, and open up more time for you to engage in pleasure activities. For me the weekend is when I have time to do my planning. Its usually on Sunday Evening when the kids go to bed. Below are several steps to set your days and weeks up for success!

1. Look at your schedule 3 to 5 days out and see what activities or meals away from home you have coming up. Put a plan in place and make a commitment to stick to your detox.

2. Identify when you will do your meal plan and put it in your schedule just like any other appointment. You schedule the things that are important to you. Even the small things, like reading a book. If its important make it happen. Make a 3, 5, or 7 day meal plan.

3. Plan the day and time that you will do your grocery shopping. Make a grocery list from your meal plan. Having a list will make it more likely that you will pass up any temptations. I do my grocery shopping on either Saturday or Sunday and then make a quick stop mid-week to pick up additional fresh produce if necessary.

4. When you get home from the grocery store, do some food prep. Wash and chop up vegetables that you might need for omelets, soups, salads, or other recipes so they are ready to go. Put meat in the crock-pot that will feed you and your family for several meals.

5. During the week, look ahead at your meal plan and make sure the protein you need is thawed and ready to go. If you need to do a little prep ahead of time, plan the time to do it. That may mean that you get up an extra 20 minutes earlier in the morning to ensure you have a successful day!

Honestly, it’s all about making it a priority. That may mean that you give up some computer or TV time. You might have to record a few of your shows. When my schedule changed and I had to be more prepared in order to eat real food that I make myself I gave up a ton of TV! About 4-5 Hrs per week And I am so glad that I did!!! My stress levels are so much less when I know that I have the groceries I need and the time to prepare nutrient dense food to fuel my body. I perform physically, mentally, and emotionally better!

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P.S. - Whenever you're ready... here are 4 ways I can help you: 

1. Go through the Fitness Scorecard and see how you score in the 8 key areas needed to achieve lasting fitness success:

2. Be a guest of mine for a One-on-One Fitness Success Session


We'll sit down together and develop a personalized plan to help you achieve your fitness goals. Just reply to this message and put "Success" in the subject line.

3. Come in for a free training session. 


If you'd like to come in to attend a 'Bring a Friend' training session as my guest...just reply and put "Guest" in the subject line, and I'll get you all the details!


4. I have FREE Open Office Hours during the week where you can call in and speak to me about your goals


The call is just 15 minutes out of your week, but the insights you’ll discover could impact you for a lifetime! To schedule your FREE consultation, reply and put 'Call' in the subject line.